About Me


Hi. I'm Jeb. My name isn't short for anything, it's just Jeb. However, some people do lengthen my name to Jeber, Jebergene, Jebethian or any other made up combination. (To my surprise most Jebs get their name because it's their initials - I'm looking at you Jeb!) I always thought it would be cool if Jeb was both my first name and my initials (my middle name is Eugene) but alas, my last name is Hunt. JEH! So close.

I'm from Pensacola, a quaint gulf side town in the panhandle of Florida. Pensacola was the first settlement in the continental United States, established when Spanish explorer Tristan de Luna arrived in Pensacola Bay in 1559. However, soon after being established the settlement was destroyed by a hurricane. Instead of rebuilding in the Pensacola they moved to St. Augustine, American's oldest continuous city in the US. (Oh yeah, this section is supposed to be about me, not about Pensacola.) I love to travel, but Pensacola is always a wonderful place to come home to. (Expect for during the summer. It's always so dang hot in the summer.)

I very much enjoy the creative arts. For 10 years I worked as the Creative Director at a large-membership church. In 2019 I switched professions and began working for my father at Tom Hunt Residential Designs, in order to provide an eventual path for his retirement and continuation of the business. The job allows me to still scratch my creative itch (custom house designs, 3Ds, fun stuff like that...) and also provides me the freedom that comes with working in a family-owned small business. On the side I do a little communications consulting and some photography. Check out the BUSINESS tab to learn more about what I do and the CREATIVE ARTS tab to view some of my work.

My undergraduate degree is in Communications Arts with a specialization in Telecommunications and Film from the University of West Florida. I was accepted to Duke University for graduate school and did two years of course work, but in 2013 I dropped out, took a sabbatical from work and biked 4,200 miles across the United States from Astoria, Oregon to Yorktown, Virginia.

Biking across the US has been one of the most formative experiences in my life so far and since 2013 I have taken additional long-distance bike trips to Europe, Scandinavia, and New Zealand. I also enjoy hosting touring cyclists who are traveling through Pensacola. Between 2013 - 2019 I hosted about 500 cyclists through a program offered at my church downtown. I now host them at my home in the suburbs. You can read all about my bike trips, read my travel blogs, and see photos from the trips using the CYCLING tab.

I love cycling and try to commute most days by bicycle. My passions of design and cycling have led me to a strong interest in urban design and planning, specifically advocating for better infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. Living in the suburbs and commuting towards the city, I know firsthand that Pensacola has a long way to go towards becoming a more bike-friendly city. I serve on a few boards that are working to help make that happen.

This section doesn't encompass all of who I am (at least I sure hope not) but it should provide you a glimpse of who I am. Thanks for stopping by.